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Thanks to its proximity to the United States, Mexico has become an attractive investment hub. Mexico’s manufacturing capabilities align well with this trend, positioning the country favorably to seize the opportunity. We hope that this guide will give you an initial perspective into the fundamentals of ramping up operations in Mexico.

On 15 March 2024, Ministerial Resolution No. 000069-2024-PRODUCE was published, approving the Annual Plan for Environmental Assessment and Control (PLANEFA) for the fisheries subsector and the aquaculture subsector of the Ministry of Production for the year 2025. The PLANEFA is a planning instrument through which each Environmental Audit Entity (EFA) schedules the environmental audit actions to be carried out during the corresponding calendar year. This plan is essential to strengthen coordination between the Peruvian Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Authority (OEFA) and the EFAs in the formulation, execution and evaluation of their respective environmental auditing plans.

The Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) established a new way of calculating the Environmental Control and Inspection Fee (TCFA) and, as of the first quarter of 2024, the economic size to be declared by subsidiaries will be the economic size of the parent company and the subsidiary jointly, considering the annual gross income of the legal entity as a whole for the basis for calculating this fee.

On 21 March 2024, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution A/78/L.49 on “Seizing the opportunities of safe, secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems for sustainable development”. This marks the first-ever resolution adopted by the United Nations (UN) on the matter of artificial intelligence (AI) and is therefore a milestone in its governance. Although the resolution has no immediate binding effect, its content will further guide the regulatory development of AI technologies on the national and international level in the years to come and marks a step in the “race to AI regulation”.